Mann in Hemd sitzt auf einer Mauer. Im Hintergrund das Meer.

Simonello's World

06. Mar. 2022


The hands are bloody,
The faces scarred.
The ground is muddy,
The war so hard.

The soldiers young,
Don’t know what for.
The anthems sung,
They want no more.

Let’s stand together and unite,
We’ll find a way, we will prevail,
Why should we kill, why should we fight,
The goal in mind, we cannot fail.

You are my friend, close to my heart,
This little man won’t change that truth,
Do what you can and play your part,
Let’s end this war for our youth.

In war there is no winner,
The losses are in vain,
Choose not to be a sinner,
The answer lies in peace, not pain.